My Journey to Living my Dream “Job”

One of my favorite quotes states, “If you cant figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.”- Bishop T.D. Jakes. For me, I have always been passionate about helping people and I’ve had a love for horses since I was a little girl. I always dreamed that one day I would be able to use horses to help people and that dream is coming true.


Let me take you back to the beginning.FullSizeRender

I got my first pony, “Freedom” when I was eight years old. My parents were smart and made me “work” for that pony. I cleaned stalls and learned how to care for horses so that I could see the amount of responsibility it takes to have your own horse. When you are a horse lover I truly believe it is in your blood and you are born to own horses. YES, they are a lot of work, YES they are expensive to care for and YES they ARE worth it. I quickly developed a love for competing and showing and got heavily involved in 4-H. I learned so many important life skills and made so many wonderful friends through the 4-H program. I am forever grateful for my parents who nurtured and supported my love for horses.

Throughout my life I have owned some incredible horses, eachIMG_5751 one different and each one has challenged me and brought out the best in me. In high school I saved up money and was been able to rescue and train a 6 month old wild filly, “Roxy” who we raised until she was 5 years old and then we sold her to a forever home. I won a state Championship with my horse “Toby” who I still proudly own today. I have had some heartache with horses too. My beloved horse “Mac” who I got as a 13th surprise birthday gift passed away of colic when I was 16 and I was devastated. My sweet “gentle giant” Jiggy has a Neurological disease that we constantly battle every day. Horses are not a “hobby”, it is a life long love affair. Today, my husband and I own 4 horses, 3 quarter horses and a miniature horse.


When I went to college I wasn’t completely sure as to what career path I was going to travel down. I knew I wanted to work with people and work in the medical field helping others in some way. I was in a car accident in high school and I received Physical Therapy. I realized that this was the perfect path for me. I would be able to use my 2 hands and my big heart for helping others to help people heal and improve their lives. After I graduated from College, I moved to Florida with my boyfriend (now husband) and I got a job with Brookdale Senior Living doing Home Health and Outpatient Physical Therapy as a Physical Therapist Assistant.

Fast forward a few years, ok….. 8 years. Last November, my good friend and fellow horse enthusiast, Julie and I were sitting in our barn after a trail ride talking about life. We discussed what would be our perfect “job”. Both of us agreed that if we could use our horses to help people in our community that would be our calling. We did some research, gained the proper certification (, applied and received our 501 ©(3) and co-founded Crossroads Corral.

Crossroads Corral Banner

This all happened very fast, because I believe it was truly meant to be. At Crossroads Corral we conduct Equine Assisted Learning and Therapy activities. We use our horses and work with at-risk youth as well as Veterans and their families transitioning home from deployment. Many people ask us about the term “at risk youth”. We define this group of youth as kids who are at risk of falling behind in society. Maybe they have a learning disability, maybe they are in the foster care system being bounced between homes, maybe they may have medical needs that cause developmental delays, etc. We are not a therapeutic riding facility. Our 7 horses get to “work” and give back to people in need, which they enjoy because horses also need a purpose and job. It was very interesting to me to learn a little bit more about myself during this whole process. I have always been interested in physical health but I have quickly developed a passion for mental health. At Crossroads Corral we have partnered with a Licensed Mental Health Counselor to begin Equine Assisted Psychotherapy work and I could not be more excited.

I am very lucky to have a supportive husband (David). He is an entrepreneur and owns his own Lindsay David and Toby - Crossroads CorralMarketing Agency. His Agency, Brand Advance and his wonderful team also donated and designed our logo, website, marketing material, etc. which was huge for us. David understands first hand about the fire that develops within a person when they start something. He is also extremely supportive because I have left my full time, good paying job to be a full time “volunteer” Executive Director of Crossroads Corral. As Executive Director, my daily duties are caring for our 7 program horses, business development, volunteer management, event planning, fundraising, building community partners/relationships, client session facilitation, etc. Luckily my “other half” as I call her, Julie also manages our herd of horses, does daily barn care, works with clients and more. Another favorite quote of mine is, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”. This was a scary leap of faith for us when I decided to leave my full time job but we know that this is part of the road I have to walk down. Many people have a hard time understanding non-profits. What I have learned from many educated people in the Non-Profit space, including professors at Rollins University is that if you do not run it like a business you will fail. Did you know that most non-profits and businesses fail because they charge too little? No, we do not have any paid staff members or have any sort of profit but yes we do charge for our services. We have to or else we would not have the finances to manage our herd of horses and then we would not be helping one single soul. Our goal is to have enough funding to cover our horses expense/year (which is about $56,000.00) so that we can provide all services free of charge. We also have a goal to one-day rescue horses from kill pens and then our clients and horses can work together to heal each other.

At Crossroads Corral we have been so blessed to have incredible volunteers who are passionate about what we do and help us in so many ways. We have a supportive board of directors, a beautiful farm to call our “other home” and patient, happy and loving horses. I can truly say that I am living my dream.


Crossroads Corral - SaddleUp Saturday

I challenge you to find your calling if you have not already. Your life will be forever changed. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined.”- unknown


Chicken Sausage with Sweet Potatoes, Peppers and Onions- Paleo Meal


I always try to cook healthy and I have been trying to consume less carbs. This is a Paleo friendly dish and it was delicious!

What you need-

1-2lb Chicken sausage (I prefer to buy mine @ Fresh Market and I like the onion and pepper sausage)

2 Red Peppers- chopped

2 yellow Peppers- chopped

3/4 Onion- chopped

2-3 sweet potatoes, chopped

Olive Oil- I like to use garlic infused

Salt and Pepper

Time to cook-

In one pan heat up olive oil and cook sweet potatoes until browned about 5-10 mins.

In another pan, heat olive oil then cook peppers and onions about 5-8 mins until soft, season with salt and pepper as needed

I chose to grill my chicken sausage then sliced it thin

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy a healthy carb free dinner!

Coconut Chia Granola Parfait

As I was on the search for another easy, but healthy breakfast option I began to think about my new favorite granola; Natures Path Coconut Chia Granola. I love the coconut flavor and the chia seeds pack an extra bonus for energy and fiber! I have only been able to find this granola at Fresh Market ($4.99) or Aldis.

For breakfast you can pour the granola over Vanilla Almond Milk or low fat yogurt. Pairing it with yogurt is fun because you can mix up the flavors. I love the yo-plait mango/apricot yogurt with the granola! The Vanilla Almond milk is delicious too if you are on a non-dairy diet.

I think eating fruit is so important in the morning and I love the antioxidants that berries give you so I topped the parfait with blueberries. This week I bought nectarines at Publix and had one as a side for breakfast and they were ripe and delicious!

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90 years- The secret is in… Pizza and Beer!!

Last weekend my husband Dave and I traveled “home” to the Pittsburgh area for one very special occasion, My Grandma’s 90th surprise birthday party!

Normally you may think, is it smart to SURPRISE a 90 year old woman? Well, when it comes to my Gram she is as tough as nails. My Dad’s mom is the only grandma that Dave and I have still on this Earth and she is amazing. She still lives at home alone, loves going out to the casino, nascar races, The Steelers, cooking and going out for pizza and beer (I’m convinced that this is the secret to living to 90). The party that my Aunt planned was a huge success and a lot of fun. Gram was totally surprised and we all got to see family that we do not get to see very often and re-connect! 90 years on this Earth is a long time and she is so blessed to be healthy and happy. We are all equally as blessed to have her still with us! One of her birthday presents was her old diary that was found when her sister passed away last year. She is so excited to sit and read the diary and re-live those moments that happened so long ago. Also, Everyone contributed photos of her and the family. My cousin and his wife put together an amazing photo album for her. The album also consists of post cards from the various cities that family now lives in.

This weekend she is off to the Poconos for a Nascar race with my Aunt and cousins! image_2

Need a healthy, quick and easy breakfast? Try this!

I am not a big breakfast person. To be honest, I don’t usually eat anything for breakfast and I normally have a mid morning snack that consists of one of those Special K bars. I am starting a new job next week and I will be spending a lot of time on the road. I realize how important it is to eat breakfast so I am REALLY going to try to get in the habit of doing so. I found this recipe on a Paleo site yesterday and my husband and I tried it this morning. This is quick, easy, healthy and filling. I paired it with Fruit.
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3/4 cup unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
3-4 Tbls Chia Seeds
3 TSP sugarfree maple syrup or organic honey
3 TSP natural vanilla extract
top with blueberries or any other fruit you desire

Add all ingredients together (except fruit topping), stir well and refrigerate over night

In the morning the consistency will be “pudding like” Top with fruit of your choice and enjoy!

Save Money and Get Creative on Valentines Day!

Valentines Day is a great time to get creative and make something meaningful for that special person in your life. Last year I was inspired by some ideas I saw on Pinterest. I liked how people were buying chalk boards, putting them in a frame and decorating them to write messages on.

i love you bc

Instead of a chalk board, I decided to purchase a nice picture frame from Hobby Lobby picked out some paper (my favorite color turquoise) and used some stickers and rhinestones to decorate it. We use dry erase markers to write sweet notes to each other. 

My husband and I keep up with this board on a weekly basis. It truly is exciting when you notice something new is written!  We keep this board in our master bathroom so that our messages are private and so that our friends don’t gag over our sappy love notes when they come over to visit.


Strawberry Cake Mix Cookies

I love to bake and cook so this was a great way to give him something sweet for Valentines Day!



1 cup + 1/8 cup of Strawberry Cake Mix (Pillsbury)

1 teaspoon of Vanilla

I large Egg

1/4 cup unsalted butter, softened


For the frosting I like to use the Pillsbury Funfetti frosting because that is our personal favorite and it comes with sprinkles!

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees

In a mixing bowl combine the softened butter, egg, vanilla and stir by hand or use a mixer on low speed. Add in the cake mix and stir until smooth. If the dough is too moist you can add more cake mix, one tbls at a time to make the dough form.

Make tablespoon sized balls and place on a greased baking sheet with adequate space in between the cookies. Bake 8-10 minutes.

After the cookies are cool, add the frosting and enjoy a sweet treat with your special someone!

Easy Italian Chicken

photo-126I love Italian chicken, especially because it is super easy and delicious!

PREP- marinate the chicken breast in italian dressing over night
Pre heat oven to 350 degrees


2-4 Chicken breast

1/2 cup of Italian dressing

Italian Panko bread crumbs

1/2 cup parmesan cheese

Balsamic glaze


Mix Parmesan cheese and panko bread crumbs in a small bowl

Dip Chicken into bread crumb mixture and coat completely

Place chicken into a baking dish and bake 40-45mins

Once cooked, drizzle with balsamic glaze

**I love to accompany my italian chicken with bacon wrapped green beans drizzled with soy sauce and brown sugar, baked 30 mins at 350 degrees!

4 BOURBON recipes that will get you extra points!

I think football and bourbon go great together! I have compiled 4 different recipes here with my favorite Bourbon Whiskeys.

Pick your poison and make some great cocktails at your super bowl party! Dont forget folks, drink responsibly!



“Dancing with the Devil”1 Part Fresh lemon sour

1 Part Pineapple Juice

1 Part Devils Cut

A few Dashes of Tabasco

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Pour shaken cocktail into a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with a cherry.


“Mark and Stormy”

1 and 1/2 Parts Makers Mark

Cold Ginger Beer


Build in a highball glass over ice, garnish with a lime



“The Muddled Creek”

2 Parts Knob Creek Smoked Maple

Ginger Ale to taste

Splash of Triple Sec

Orange Slice

Maraschino Cherry

In a rocks glass, muddle orange slice. Add Ice and pour in Knob Creek Smoked Maple and splash of triple sec. Next add a spash of gingerale to top it off and garnish with a cherry.


Chilled shots for when your team scores a touchdown!


The Budweiser Clydesdales, Meet and Greet!


Last year at the Daytona 500 I was working all weekend at the raceway and had to arrive  ridiculously early. Every morning my girlfriend, Jamie and I would go and visit the Clydesdales and the dalmation.  We would watch the guys groom them, play with them and get them ready to be hitched up for the day. The guys working with the horses started noticing us every day so they told us we could come back at the end of the race and we could do a  “behind the scenes” tour.

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I was so thrilled to get the chance to play with the Clydesdales because they are like celebrities to horse lovers like me! I have always been a HUGE fan of their commercials but to get to meet them up close and personal was so exciting!  As the race wrapped we went over to the Budweiser display and first we got to play with the dalmation, “King” was his name, appropriate right? This dog was wild! He was running around, not really listening to the guys at all and acting like he was indeed the king.

Finally they took us back to the horse stalls, went into “Prince’s” stall and brought him out to meet Jamie and I. He was huge and magnificent! His temperment was very laid back and easy going and he politely let us do a mini photo shoot with him and King. I told the gentleman helping us that I had horses my whole life and how appreciative I was for this opportunity. He then asked, “well do you want to ride him?” My response was, “um, yes please!” He gave me a leg up and in a second I was on Prince’s back! What an experience this was for me, to be so close to an animal that I have admired my whole life. I will be forever greatful to that kind man who gave us the “behind the scenes tour” and  this was an experience that I will never forget!


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Easy and Delicious Pot Roast

I love using our slow cooker and I really love easy recipes! This one is so easy and delicious!



2-4lb Chuck Roast


Carrots (peeled and chopped)

1 (dry) packet of Hidden Valley RanchPotatoes (peeled and chopped)

1 packet of Brown Gravy

1 (dry) Packet of italian dressing seasoning

1/2 cup of water

2-3 tbls olive oil

Fresh Rosemary- optional



season the meat with salt and pepper and brown on all sides in olive oil. Place peeled and chopped potatoes and carrots onto the bottom of the crock pot and place browned meat on top. Sprinkle all 3 packets over meat and pour in water. Place Rosemary on top of meat and cook on low 8-10 hours.