4 BOURBON recipes that will get you extra points!

I think football and bourbon go great together! I have compiled 4 different recipes here with my favorite Bourbon Whiskeys.

Pick your poison and make some great cocktails at your super bowl party! Dont forget folks, drink responsibly!



“Dancing with the Devil”1 Part Fresh lemon sour

1 Part Pineapple Juice

1 Part Devils Cut

A few Dashes of Tabasco

Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Pour shaken cocktail into a rocks glass filled with ice and garnish with a cherry.


“Mark and Stormy”

1 and 1/2 Parts Makers Mark

Cold Ginger Beer


Build in a highball glass over ice, garnish with a lime



“The Muddled Creek”

2 Parts Knob Creek Smoked Maple

Ginger Ale to taste

Splash of Triple Sec

Orange Slice

Maraschino Cherry

In a rocks glass, muddle orange slice. Add Ice and pour in Knob Creek Smoked Maple and splash of triple sec. Next add a spash of gingerale to top it off and garnish with a cherry.


Chilled shots for when your team scores a touchdown!


Devils Cut “Spiced” Old Fashion

I love a good Old Fashion! I opt for Devils Cut Bourbon or Knob Creek for this cocktail. I made these “Spiced” Old Fashions in the fall and realized they are great for anytime of the year!


INGREDIENTS: Makes 2 cocktails

2 Sugar Cubes

Dash of Cinnamon and Nutmeg

8 Dashes Orange bitters

2 Orange slices

1 Part Fresh OJ

6 Parts Devils Cut

Crushed Ice

2 Maraschino Cherries


Mix together sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg in a small dish. Place half of the mixture in 2 old fashion glasses. Add 4 dashes of orange bitters and orange slice in each glass. Muddle orange with sugar mixture and bitters. Pour 1/2 oz of OJ into each glass and 3 oz of Devils Cut and stir. Add crushed ice and garnish with a maraschino cherry!

For more delicious Jim Beam recipes check out Beam Global